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Jeff and Jackie got into disc dogging years ago when they rescued an 8 week old 5 pound bundle of energy named “Towser” from the local animal shelter. Towser turned out to be a natural at chasing the disc and they soon were travelling across the country to various disc dog events with Towser winning State and World Championships, being on the cover of “DogSport” magazine, on ESPN’s Sportscenter and more. With the addition of another awesome rescued pup Killian, they were fully immersed!

Jackie has always enjoyed photography and it was just natural for her to take pictures of dogs at events. As they helped to re-form the Kansas City Disc Dogs Jackie took a lot of pictures for the club. Her pictures from events around the country can be found on hundreds of disc doggers websites! Jackie has always given her pictures away to the competitors for their personal use as it is her hobby and she loves to give back to the sport and people that have been so gracious in welcoming Team Towser into the sport. Her images are available for commercial purposes as well, just contact us for info.

On these pages you will find all of the pictures she takes as Team Towser travels to various disc dog competitions and demos. So browse around – there are a lot of amazing dogs out there, many of which were unwanted or rescues. In that way this site is a great testimonial to these amazing athletes and to what the power of a little love can do!